Paper boats with Rebecca

This day it was pouring down so hard that the storm drains couldn't keep up. A perfect opportunity to make paper boats and sail them in the gutter.

Denne dag regnede det så hårdt at afløbene ikke kunne følge med. Det var en perfekt chance for at lave papirsbåde og sejle dem ned ad rendestenen.

Rebecca putting a paper boat in the gutter

Paper boats in the gutter

A paper boat rushing by

A Netflix paper boat rushing by

Netflix paper boat

Rebecca following a paper boat in the pouring rain

The Netflix paper boat

Netflix paper boat

Netflix paper boat

Netflix paper boat

Rebecca waiting to rescue paper boats before the drain

Here come the paper boats towards the drain

Paper boat approaching the drain

Storm drain

Made with JAlbum 7.1
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)